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Wembury Primary School

Wembury Primary School

Attendance and Holidays

Attendance – What the new rules mean 

Attendance and Holidays 

Excellent attendance at school is linked to better academic progress and attainment by ensuring pupils access a broad, balanced and knowledge-rich curriculum. It also ensures that pupils can benefit from the extra-curricular activities on offer at school that promote good social and emotional development. Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child has an appropriate education. For most children in the UK this means full-time attendance at school.  

We will be sending letters to parents when attendance falls to raise awareness of the potential impact on children's progress and sense of well-being  

Late arrival 

It is important to make the distinction between a late that occurs during the official registration period and a late that occurs after the official registration period.  The registration period covers the time between 08:40 and 08:50 during the morning session.    

Pupils that arrive late (after 8:50 am) for morning registration should go to Reception and be recorded as in school. Being punctual and arriving at school on time will ensure that your child is able to settle, organise themselves and be ready to learn every day.  

Holiday Requests  

If you are unable to book your holiday in the school holidays, please complete a 'S2 Request

Form' either by contacting the school office 862459 or requesting a copy by email, The criteria for this being authorised is very limited, and this form should be completed 3 weeks prior to departure.  

If you take your child on holiday in term time without the prior approval of the school, you may be issued a £160 Penalty Fine, per parent, per child.  

As a Parent/Carer, you can demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by, whenever possible, taking your holidays during school holidays.  

Please see the WeST Attendance Policy for further information Wembury Primary School - Policies

The Trust have provided a poster to help clarify the new rules.