Safeguarding pupils is a key priority for us at Wembury Primary School. We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
We believe that:
- The welfare of the child is paramount
- All children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection
- All staff have an equal responsibility to act on any suspicion or disclosure that may suggest a child is at risk of harm
- Pupils and staff involved in child protection issues will receive appropriate support
Our Safeguarding Team
Mrs Sam Wilkinson (Headteacher)
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Susie Jackson (Deputy Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Pip Edwards (SENDCO)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Linda Aldridge (Business Manager)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
You can contact our DSLs on 01752 862459 or by email on
We are required to draw the attention of parents and carers to our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy (Please see below).
Our policy will tell you about potential safeguarding risks, key staff and our referrals procedure.
We must inform all parents and carers that there may be occasions where we have to make safeguarding referrals to external agencies, without parental notification. In these cases, we assure you that we are always acting in the best interests of a child’s safety.
MASH- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
(For concerns regarding a pupil living in the Devon catchment.)
The Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the central resource for the whole of Devon receiving all safeguarding and child protection enquiries.
If you are worried about a child or young person in Devon and want to speak to someone, or if you are a child or young person worried about your own safety please contact the MASH on 0345 155 1071 or click here for further information and additional contact details.
Plymouth City Council Children's Services
(For concerns regarding a pupil living in the Plymouth catchment)
If you have an urgent safeguarding concern, please make an immediate referral by phoning the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01752 668000 or 01752 346984 out of hours.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Please click here to access the statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Please click here to access our current Policy.